Historic Cafés
Trieste, city of cafés. A fortune has been built on the dark bean dating back to the Hapsburg Empire, when the free port of Trieste became the European landing place of coffee. Today, Triestini are the biggest Italian consumers with 10 kilos per capita and coffee remains the main ritual in the historic cafés of the city center. A “nero in B” (espresso), a “goccia” (espresso with a drop of milk), a “caffelatte” (cappuccino) and the list goes on…this unique code proves coffee is definitely a thing in Trieste.
Time seems to have stopped at the cafés of Trieste, yet they are always crowded with people by themselves, meeting up with friends, reading, studying, and writing. In the tradition of Joyce, Saba and Svevo and today like Claudio Magris, Mauro Covacich and Boris Pahor, Triestini writers by birth or adoption.